Akil Khalfani for U.S. Congress NJ 10th Congressional District

Climate Change & Environmental Equity Plan(et) Bill
Time is of the essence. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, we have 12 years left in our opportunity to prevent the potentially catastrophic effects of Global warming.
Republicans have even introduced HR398 stating that the green new deal is antithetical to American values. With this kind of opposition, I believe we must separate the climate change initiatives from the social justice components within the Green New Deal in order to have a bill that may be more likely to pass in Congress.
We will introduce the Climate Change & Environmental Equity Plan[et] Bill (CCEEP Bill). This bill will work to keep America and Americans safe from environmental pollutants, keep our skies clear and our water pure, and keep the environment free of contaminants such as greenhouse gasses for the benefit of future generations around the world.
The Bill
The CCEEP (pronounced Keep) Bill works in support of the Green New Deal but pushes the ideas to further institutionalize the necessary measures to develop a sustainable environment for the next generation. The idea behind this bill is to CCEEP (or keep) the world, environment, and the people safe and thriving for generations to come. The objectives of the bill are as follows:
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and reduce or eliminate the ability to sell and buy carbon credits.
Support zero carbon emissions energy innovations and renewable energy production.
Create the Federal Sustainability Task Force that will become the Commission on Sustainable American Living (CoSAL)
Invest in small and medium size businesses who will lead innovation
Create more opportunities for residential, small, and medium businesses to transition to green energy including solar and wind energy.
Develop the Green Grid Task Force
This body will be represented by major electricity producers and green civic organizations to discuss ways to reduce fossil fuel production and incentivizes collaborations between governments, corporations, and civic organizations.
Ultimately, the Green Grid Task Force will be responsible for developing the foundation of a federal Green Energy Grid Commission that will find ways to develop a new environmentally conscientious energy delivery system for all Americans that will become the international standard globally in the 21st century.
Eliminate environmental racism and discrimination that results from the placement, production, and discharge of environmental toxins and waste in poor communities and communities of color.
Fund enforcement of laws that protect the residents and workers at these sites.
Mandate and/or fund the clean-up of superfund sites.
New Jersey has significant Superfund sites about which we need to inform the residents in the district.